Okay, my award has changed a little bit. Well the award hasn't changed, but the rules have. My award is now harder then ever to win! I know this maybe unfair to some of you, but I need to do this. I still have the old winners though, so if you'd like to see them, click here! If you have already won my award please don't try to win it again since it's harder to win now, ok? If I do not e-mail you back in at least 5 days then you did not win, sorry! Please do not sign up if you think you can't win, and that would help a lot. Ok, Here are the rules to win and sign up:

1) Your Homepage must show creativity, imagination, and effort
2) Your homepage cannot take forever to load, and must have a guestbook
3) Your homepage cannot have any adult content!! thanks.

I'd like to give special credit to my GIF Maker, Nikki for making my award! Thank you!! Now you can sign up:

Your name:
Your email address:

Your Homepage URL:
Your Homepage Title:


FREE feedback form powered by FreeForm


The people that have won the award are posted below. Please visit their pages:

Melissa - Melissa's Place
Breanna - Breanna's Hangout
Keryn - Dear Diary
ali masterson - rOxYgURL's :PaGe'O'sTuFf
Melissa - Mel*s Little World
Brianna - Brianna's World
CitrusFlower - .s.h.i.m.m.e.r
Carolyn - Carolini Land

Here is a sample of the award if you'd like to see it:
